How to Recognize Imitation Sunglasses

How to Recognize Imitation Sunglasses

The popularity of brand-name sunglasses by Dior, Prada and Armani has led to many imitators. Imitation sunglasses are designed by small businesses and individuals who capitalize on consumer desires at affordable prices. A checklist of flaws and construction problems help you recognize imitation sunglasses from the genuine article.


Study the label and lettering of a brand name on sunglasses to determine if they are imitations. Print off a sheet with a list of your favorite labels as a comparison tool against imitation products.


Ascertain the type of packaging and presentation used on sunglasses from your favorite brands to avoid imitation products. Practice a healthy amount of skepticism if a vendor hands you a pair of Armani glasses without a case.


Temper your desire to pick up a pair of imitation sunglasses at a price that is too good to be true. A pair of $50 imitation sunglasses will be spotted as an imitation by friends and co-workers familiar with the $500 originals.


Look for a UV ray protection sticker on sunglasses to recognize imitation products. Premium sunglasses feature a clear sticker that is easily removable from the lens to avoid smudging and other damage.


Speak with a vendor to determine his authority to sell brand-name sunglasses at his store. Vendors with the authority to sell Gucci, Armani and Prada will promote that fact to draw in customers with money to spare.


Compare the place of production for an authentic pair of sunglasses with a suspect pair of glasses to recognize an imitation. You can search through a brand's online catalog to find the "Made In..." label as a filter against imitation sunglasses.


Apply a slight amount of pressure to the hinges and arms with your fingers before you buy a pair of sunglasses. Imitation glasses are constructed from cheap plastics and flimsy metals to increase the profit margin for retailers.


Inspect the warranty information and packaging materials with a pair of sunglasses to identify a fake product. You should be able to read through applicable warranty and repair information from the manufacturer to deal with faulty products.

Tips & Warnings

Wear a pair of sunglasses for a few minutes to assess the product's lens clarity. Imitation sunglasses use cheap plastic lenses to cut down on costs without considering the potential harm to a customer's eyes.