How to Recognize A Knockoff Handbag

How to Recognize A Knockoff Handbag

Fake designer handbags are everywhere, and some of them are so good they only sell for a couple of hundred dollars less than the real thing. The designers themselves sometimes have trouble telling the difference, but you'll be able to by following these steps for recognizing a knockoff bag.


Scan the bag's seams to see if the fabric pattern meets up properly. It takes more material to make a bag with continuity at the seams, and therefore it costs more to make. Counterfeiters don't usually attend to this detail. This is the easiest way to spot a fake.


Look closely at the stitching. Real designer handbags are stitched by hand, and the stitches aren't as regular as machine stitches.


Check the label on the inside. Knockoff bags usually have a tag claiming that they're genuine, but on close inspection, the type is often not centered, may contain misspellings and sometimes even says "Made in China." While you're in there, make sure the bag has a lining.


Inspect the leather or fabric, the hardware (zippers, buckles, snaps and hooks) and make sure they're functional and of good quality. Zippers should slide smoothly and nothing should appear tarnished.


Use the three P's as described by, "Place, Price, Packaging." A genuine designer handbag isn't sold at a flea market, costs more than fifty bucks and comes in some type of fancy wrapping. Online counterfeiters usually state that the bags are "imitation," or something to that effect, but not always.