How to Give an Infant Massage

How to Give an Infant Massage

Who knew giving a massage could be so fun? Some people laugh at the idea of giving
massages. In fact, they are wonderful for parents and babies alike. It enhances bodily function, increases parental bonding, and decreases stress levels. Yes, babies do have stress. In fact, colicky babies have a lot of stress and anxiety. Massage is wonderful for them, especially. Knowing how to perform baby massage doesn't take a masseuse or a rocket scientist. It simply takes love and time.


Lay your baby on her back. This will put her in the best position possible for you to massage. It also allows you to bond better because you can easily maintain eye contact. Babies love eye contact, especially with mommy and daddy.


Lightly stroke your baby's face with your fingertips. Begin at the hairline and stroke downward. Move to the eyebrow area, start from the center and stroke outward.


Move down to the tummy and make gentle, clockwise circles with your hands. Moving your hands clockwise helps food and gas move through the digestive system. This is the direction food moves through the intestines.


Grab your baby's thighs and gently squeeze. Move down slightly, squeeze again. Keep moving down until you have gently squeezed your baby's entire leg. Start back up at the thighs and do it again. Complete this routine 5 times. Crawling and walking infants especially like this massage.


Grab one of your baby's feet with one hand. With the other hand, press firmly, but gently into the sole of the foot with your thumb. Keep your thumb firmly in place for 3 seconds. Release, and do it again 2 more times. Once you are finished with one foot, move to the other.

Tips & Warnings

Get creative. Any type of gentle massage or tickling will be enjoyed by your baby. You don't have to limit yourself to what is listed in this guide.

Don't rub your baby's tummy in counterclockwise circles unless he has diarrhea. Then, it is a home remedy for treating loose bowel movements.

How to Give a Relaxing Neck Massage

How to Give a Relaxing Neck Massage

Stress can build in our necks. This stress can lead to tension, aches, pain and stiffness. Stress in the neck can also lead to headaches, if it is prolonged or if it intensifies. For these reasons, if someone you know and love has reoccurring neck pain, stiffness or aches do them a favor and learn how to give a good and relaxing neck massage. It will not only show them how much you care about them. It will make them feel better. In return, they will be much better company!

Things You'll Need:



Relaxing music


Make sure you have clean hands. It doesn't matter if they are cold or warm. Sometimes cold hands actually will feel good on a tight, stiff neck.


Set the scene, if you have the time. Turn on some soft music. Turn off the blazing television set.


Have the person take off any necklaces and pull up their hair (if it is long, it will probably need to be clipped up onto the head).


Either have the person lie down or sit down in front of you while you sit on a higher chair. A good technique is having the person sit on the floor while you sit on a chair or sofa. This is a good height for most people.


If you choose, you can use some lotion as you massage. If you choose to use lotion, try to find some that has a relaxing scent to it like


Start at the base of the neck, in the middle of the shoulder area and slowly begin massaging. Use soft, slow squeezing type motions. Listen to how the recipient of the massage is responding. Does he/she seem to be relaxing?


Continue these squeezing type motions all the way up the neck. Remember continue slowly. Go as high up into the hair line as you possibly can. Once you reach the head, extend your hand out and kneed the head/scalp with your fingers, again slowly and gently.


Slowly work you way back down to the shoulder blade. Gently massage the shoulder area all the way to the end of each shoulder. This will keep any tension from moving from the neck into the shoulder.


Repeat the process back up the neck. As you work your way back down this time, stop at the side of the neck. Gently kneed the side of the neck towards the front and then repeat the same movements to the other side of the neck.


Again, give the shoulder blades one more good massage. Ask the recipient how he/she feels. Repeat if necessary and if your hands can stand it.

Tips & Warnings

Remember to massage in a slow and gentle manner.

If the recipient of the massage is in severe pain, it may be a good idea for him/her to see a doctor before you offer a massage. You will want to rule out an actual injury before performing a massage.

How to Give a Relaxing Massage

How to Give a Relaxing Massage

Hi! I'm Lita, I've been practicing as a certified massage therapist for over 20 years with my focus being on giving a therapeutic relaxing massage. I'd like to share with you some main key points for creating a relaxing experience.
Many people think of massage as just a luxury, and luxurious it is, but it also has many healing benefits.One of these main benefits is that of relaxation and stress reduction.In fact, the medical authorities are now saying that 80% to 90% of disease is stress related. Massage anyone?? visit us for more videos of great techniques at

Things You'll Need:

massage oil, a lucky soul to practice on, ideally a massage table, your presence and loving heart.


Create a quiet relaxing environment where your friend knows they won't be disturbed. For example; soft lights or candles, soft melodic music, make sure all answering machines and
are off ( Is that handy cell phone in there purse, just waiting to surprise you with some loud jingle.. turned off?). Make sure any little ones in the house are taken care of and everyone knows your not to be disturbed. Keep talking to a minimum, encouraging your friend to just drop into the stillness and "let go" of any holding or tension.


Before you begin, take time out to quiet yourself. If you have a meditation practice, nows a great time. The space your in will be felt and transmitted to your friend or client. Also when you begin the massage, take a few moments (if they're face down) with your right hand on they're sacral area and the left on the top of the spine( base of the neck) .You can give a very gentle rock with your right hand- then just "hold", breathe, get centered. Your friend will quickly begin to relax.


Always begin and end each area or sequence with long "effleurage" strokes, with nice smooth transitions. Work slowly..... especially when you find an area where you need to work alittle deeper. The long, slow strokes are especially relaxing.Feel your way- tuning into what feels you senses.

Tips & Warnings


1. Using a massage table, with alittle extra padding, is best. Set at the right height you can avoid straining your own back. (and needing a massage yourself when your done!)

2. Use a good massage oil and/or cream. Make sure it's fresh (not rancid) and possibly add some light scent, such as
for the aromatherapy effect. 3. Relax and enjoy yourself!!

How to Give a Reiki Massage

How to Give a Reiki Massage

Since Reiki is able to work in tandem with nearly any type of medicine or therapy, the fact that some practitioners have developed Reiki massages should not be surprising. Reiki can be used to treat any problem areas in a person's massage, and will aid her with purging the toxins in her body, not to mention adding to the sense of relaxation a good massage will produce.

Things You'll Need:

Massage table

Massage oils



Check the client before the massage to make sure she is ready. Make sure the client is wearing loose-fitting clothes, with no belt and no shoes. Ideally, the client should also be naked from the waist up, and lying down in some warm towels on the massage bed.


Prepare the client for the massage. Use some massage oils on the client to loosen the skin and muscles, as well as provide some aromatherapy for him. Make sure your hands are warm and supple, in order to minimize the discomfort to the client.


Begin to massage the client. Use the technique that works best for you, as Reiki can be incorporated into all types of massage. Some claim that Shiatsu and Thai massages are best suited to prepare a person to receive a Reiki treatment owing to their Asian origins, but this claim has never been substantiated.


When the client is in a relaxed and tranquil frame of mind, begin to give the client a Reiki treatment. Since the full Reiki procedure involves 27 hand positions with 5 minutes allotted per hand position, make sure the client knows the time commitment involved. Many practitioners of Reiki massage will instead give a person an abbreviated Reiki treatment, centered on the back and torso.


Intersperse the Reiki treatment with the massage. Some practitioners of Reiki massage will instead wait until they discover a problem area in their client, then give that area some special attention with Reiki.


Allow the client some time afterwards to adjust to the feeling of being cleansed with Reiki. Many clients, after their first Reiki treatment, experience rushes of emotion such as sadness or guilt. Let the client express these feelings if he wishes, and encourage the client to set aside a block of time afterwards so he can deal with these feelings, which usually pass in 30 minutes or so.

Tips & Warnings

Get a client's permission before performing Reiki on them during a massage. A client who enjoys massage may not appreciate Reiki treatment as much, and may also not be in the right frame of mind to take full advantage of being infused with Reiki. Let the client know beforehand what you plan to do, and if the client refuses, accept gracefully.

How to Give a Nude Massage

How to Give a Nude Massage

A massage is a classic way to relax, unwind and soothe sore and achy muscles. However, if you are giving a nude massage, it is important that you grasp certain skills and understand how to incorporate these skills into the massage. Little things such as applying too much pressure can end up hurting the individual receiving the massage.

Things You'll Need:


Massage oil

Massage table

Shower or bathtub


Heated stones


Prepare the area. Encourage the person who is receiving the massage to take a shower and relax. This will make the experience more pleasurable for them and more pleasurable for you.


Gather the supplies. While the individual who will receive the massage is taking a relaxing bath or shower, gather all of the supplies you will need for the massage. Grab scented oils, lotions, heated stones and a towel. Because many people are shy about their body having a towel nearby gives them the option of covering up if they desire to do so.


Start at the top. Many people have a lot of tension in the upper parts of their body. For example, stress and tension can cause stiffness and sore muscles in the neck and upper back. One of the best ways to start a massage is at the scalp. This relaxes people so that their muscles start to loosen up before you continue on and as a result, the massage will be much more effective.


Know about the pressure points. Make it a point to learn about the various pressure points in the body and what they do. For example, there is a pressure point in your palm that helps you if you have a headache. Take the time to learn about these pressure points and incorporate them into your massage.


Communicate with the individual receiving the massage. Throughout the massage discover what the individual likes and if you aren’t picking up on her vibes, ask her what she likes. This step is crucial because each individual is different and has different needs when it comes to receiving a massage. The more in tune you are, the more success you’ll have.


Temper the pressure you apply. Applying pressure during a massage is very important. Applying too little pressure will reduce the success of the massage while applying too much pressure will result in sore muscles and pain.

Tips & Warnings

Use a scented and warming oil. This type of oil usually feels very relaxing in a massage.

Do not apply too much pressure. This will cause the individual who is receiving the massage to feel very sore later on.

How to Give a Milk Enema

How to Give a Milk Enema

Over time the sides of the intestines become coated with bile and feces. This coating ferments and produces foul smelling gases and toxins. A colon with coatings on the side make you feel groggy and fatigued. Enemas fill the colon with water and flush out the colon and force anything trapped inside to move. A milk enema supplies the body with calcium and flushes out the colon at the same time. Read on to learn how to give a milk enema.

Things You'll Need:


1 1/2 qt. warm water

16 oz. warm milk

1 tbsp. olive oil

Enema bag

Water-based lubricant


Prepare the area where the enema will be administered. Lay out a towel on the bed or couch to help make the person receiving the enema comfortable.


Mix the milk enema solution. Add all the ingredients together and pour it into the enema bag or bucket.


Instruct the person taking the enema to lay down or get into a comfortable position to take the enema. Some of the most common positions are on the laying on their back, in the fetal position or kneeling on their hands and knees.


Lubricate the anus and rectum. Water-based lubricants are the best for enemas because petroleum enemas break down the plastic of the enema nozzles over time. Massage the rectum as you lubricate. This relaxes the body and allows easy insertion of the tube.


Insert the nozzle into the rectum and start the flow of the milk enema. Massage the abdomen of the enema receiver in a counter-clockwise direction as the enema flows in.


Stop the flow and allow the enema talker to change positions when their colon begins to cramp. Continue the flow when the cramp subsides.


Ask the enema taker to hold the enema in as long as possible. Ask him to make his way to the toilet and release the enema into the toilet. Instruct him to massage his abdomen in a clockwise motion while releasing the enema into the toilet.


Remove the nozzle and wash out the enema bag, hose and nozzle before storing. Clean the enema equipment with plain water or a 50/50 water-vinegar mix.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use this enema if you are lactose intolerant.

How to Give a High Enema

How to Give a High Enema

For years, high enemas have cleansed people's bodies of toxins and waste that sit in the colon cause an array of illnesses. The toxins cause ailments that include headaches, constipation, colds, muscle aches and polyps. A high enema cleans the large intestine or colon up to the small intestine with a series of enemas.

Things You'll Need:



Bulb enema

Enema bag


Spread a towel out on a soft surface so the location is comfortable for the person receiving the enema. Comfort and relaxation allow the enema to flow in easier.


Make the person receiving the enema comfortable. Allow him to find position that he likes. A popular position is laying on your back with the feet and rear elevated. There is no wrong enema position. Find one that is comfortable.


Lubricate the rectum with your finger. Massage with your finger to loosen the rectum.


Insert the bulb enema and enema into the rectum. The bulb enema holds about 8 ounces of water. Squeeze slowly until the bulb is empty. Remove the bulb and ask her wait 2 to 3 minutes before releasing the enema in the toilet.


Lubricate the rectum again. Use the bag to administer 1 quart of enema solution into the colon. If the person begins to have a bowel movement, slow the flow of water and allow him to change positions. Massage the colon counter clockwise while the enema goes in. Massage clockwise when it is released. Wait 5 minutes and allow him to release the enema into the toilet.


Relax the person one last time. Repeat Step 5 but change from 1 quart to 2 quarts of high enema solution. Remember to massage the person as she takes and releases the enema.

Tips & Warnings

All colons are different. Some people are able to hold larger amounts of water than others. Change the amounts used in the high enema to adjust for larger or smaller colons.

High enemas take at least 1 hour to complete. Make sure you have time allotted for the entire process.

How to Give a Healing Massage

How to Give a Healing Massage

Massage can be extremely relaxing and beneficial for all people, especially those who need healing. Massage improves blood circulation, decreases healing time for injuries to soft tissue, improves elasticity of muscles and helps eliminate metabolic wastes. The following techniques will help you give a healing massage that will ensure relaxation and recovery to the recipient.


Prepare a comfortable area for massage. A massage table is not necessary, but the surface should be firm, comfortable and supportive. Make sure you have enough room to move all around the body.


Create a peaceful environment. Turn down the lights a bit (make sure you can still see what you're doing), put on some peaceful music and turn off or remove any distractions like the television, cell
, computer and other people.


Have the massage recipient remove her clothing. This makes it easier for you to adequately massage the skin. If the recipient is uncomfortable, have her leave on her undergarments and work around them.


Have the massage recipient lay down on their stomach. Cover his body with a large towel or soft blanket so that he doesn't get cold. Only uncover the part of the body that you're working on. Cold muscles are hard to massage, so keep him warm and secure feeling (this fosters relaxation).


Get the massage oil. You can use many types of oil, but massage oils tend to be the easiest to work with and smell the best. Make sure that the massage recipient is okay with the scent that you chose. Apply a SMALL amount of massage oil in your hands and rub them together to warm the oil and your hands. Cold oil and hands are not very relaxing!


Start at the back. Lower the towel to uncover the recipient's back, neck and shoulders.


Apply gentle pressure with the heel of the hand on both sides of the spine. Never apply pressure directly to the spine. Starting from the bottom of the back, work your way up to the shoulders with the heel of your hand and back down along the side of the the rib cage using your fingers. You're basically moving in an oval shape with this movement. You can also alternate with circling movements of the hands. Do whatever movements are comfortable for you and the recipient.


Repeat this cycle several times, each time applying more gentle pressure. Ask for feedback from the recipient on how it feels and adjust your pressure accordingly--some people like a soft massage, some like a deeper tissue massage.


Knead the muscles slowly with the hands to get a deeper tissue massage. You will know when you're hitting an especially effective spot because the recipient will most likely groan with pleasure. You'll feel "knots" in the muscles, so spend time massaging them out.


Stretch those knotted muscles once more once you've done the deep tissue massage. Using your fingers, rake your fingers over the muscles, applying gentle pressure. Do it for as long as you'd like.


Take a moment or two to gently run your fingers over the area. Trace whatever shapes you'd like with your fingers--this is basically a way to signal that the massage on that area is complete.


Cover up the recipient's back with the towel or blanket and uncover one leg or arm at a time while you massage. Repeat all the techniques above, adapting them to each particular body part. You can feel the muscles even better in the extremities, so follow the muscles and give them a good release.


Have the recipient roll over on her back and start the process over. Be sensitive of their private areas and do not get too close. Remember to be even throughout the body, spend equal amounts of time on each side, unless you've got an area of soft tissue injury that really needs some work.

Tips & Warnings

When massaging, ALWAYS massage towards to heart, this helps increase bloodflow. Remember, you want to help the body, not get in the way!

Always keep at least one hand on the massage recipient. It maintains a sense of connection and helps the recipient relax because they know you are there attending to them at all times.

Consistently check in the with massage recipient to ensure that they are okay with what you're doing and if they'd like the pressure changed or any spots to be worked on more.

Practice--every body is different, everyone's hands are different. Experiment with different strokes and techniques and you'll be giving great healing massages in no time!

If at any time you do anything that causes discomfort or pain to the recipient, stop immediately.

How to Give a Foot Massage

How to Give a Foot Massage

Our feet constantly take the pressure, wear and tear of getting us from point A to point B, leaving them feeling achy and worn. Giving a foot massage, whether to yourself or to a friend, is a special relaxing treat that releases tension instantly. Read on to learn how to pamper by giving a foot massage.


Clean the feet with a foot soak. Dissolve a cup of Epsom salts in a gallon of warm water to destress the feet prior to massage. Soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Dry thoroughly, including between your toes.


Apply lotion or cream and massage each foot completely with gentle strokes. This includes the top and bottom of the foot from toes to ankle.


Follow with deeper strokes. Using both hands, place your fingers on bottom and your thumbs on top. Firmly slide your thumbs between the tendons of the ankle and toes. Use appropriate amount of pressure so it's not ticklish, but not so deep that it's painful.


Massage the soles of the feet using circular motions with your thumbs over the entire bottom of your foot. Keep the pressure steady starting from the base of the toes and moving toward the heel.


Rub your toes with gentle, circular motions. Stretch your foot while you rub to increase the effect. Gently bend and rotate each toe. Use a circular motion to rub each toe individually, from the bottom to the tip.


Twist the foot by rotating both hands around it in an up and down motion. Each hand should move in opposite directions.


Repeat the all-over, gentle massage that you started out with to complete the foot massage. Towel feet off to remove any excess lotion.

Tips & Warnings

Shake your hands to remove the tension if they start to feel tired or cramped.

How to Use Acupressure Points for Migraine Headaches

How to Use Acupressure Points for Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches can be a lifelong condition for some people. And for many of these people, medication is too expensive or it doesn't provide significant relief. But you can find migraine relief without medication through acupressure. This complementary technique uses pressure to stimulate pressure points, and these points help relieve pain. It's a procedure you can do yourself, if you know where to find the right pressure points to relieve your migraine.


Draw an imaginary line between the middle of both ears to the top of your head using your finger. This is a pressure point that commonly relieves headaches, as well as dizziness and low energy.


Move your finger from your shoulder to your neck until you feel a depression. Apply pressure as needed in the area that is the most tender. This pressure point relieves migraine headaches as well as neck pain, shoulder tension, dizziness and stress.


Slide your finger to the place where your thumb and index finger meet. You should be able to feel a depression in this pressure point. Pressure applied to this point treats headaches that are in the front of your head. It also treats general pain and cold symptoms like sneezing and a runny nose.


Locate the next point by placing your finger in the depression between your big toe and your second toe. Feel where the tendons meet, then press where it is most sore. This will not only relieve migraine pain, but also anger, irritability, stress, menstrual pain and anxiety.


Massage one or more of these points for three to five minutes, or until you feel relief. Acupressure can be repeated if necessary. For best results, apply pressure with the tip of your finger, your knuckle or the eraser end of a pencil.

How to Use Acupressure Points for Lower Back Pain

How to Use Acupressure Points for Lower Back Pain

Low back pain can be caused by a number of problems. From excessive standing to excessive sitting and even excessive exercise, it's hard to cope with pain in your lower back. But you can ease your pain without medication through acupressure. Through acupressure, you massage key pressure points until you feel relief. The key to finding relief from lower back pain is to find the right pressure point.


Stand straight and find the pressure point located in your lower back between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. The point is about three finger widths away from your spine at waist level. If you have trouble reaching this area, you can ask a friend or partner to help you. If you're working with a partner, you can lean into his hands for added pressure.


Apply pressure until you find the area that is the most tender. This is the pressure point you need to focus on. Not only does this point relieve lower back pain, it also fortifies the immune system and helps fight fatigue.


Massage this for three to five minutes or until you feel relief. For the best results, use the tip of your finger, your knuckle or the eraser end of a pencil. Acupressure works best after acupuncture, so you can talk to your acupuncturist about points that give you the best results.

Tips & Warnings

Acupressure is not designed to replace standard medical procedures and treatments. If you are seriously injured or if your symptoms persist, seek medical attention. You also should not use acupressure if you are pregnant, have a heart condition or if the point is under a mole, varicose vein, bruise or any other break in the skin. You should not use acupressure within 20 minutes of bathing, eating a large meal or exercising.

How to Use Acupressure Points for Leg Pain

How to Use Acupressure Points for Leg Pain

Prescription pain medication does help ease pain, but it has a list of unwanted side effects. But you can get relief from leg pain without any medication through an Eastern medicine technique called acupressure. Using specific pressure points, you can apply pressure to relieve pain and other symptoms. But you only have success if you know how to find the right points.


Turn your hand facing palm down, and find the spot where the joint of your index finger and thumb come together. You should be able to feel a depression in that area, and that is a pressure point designed to relieve leg pain. This point also treats frontal headaches and cold symptoms like sneezing and a runny nose.


Slide your four fingers together up your shin towards your knee, and stop when your hand hits your knee. The next pressure point is right underneath your pinky finger. Apply pressure where it is most tender. You may or may not feel a depression at this point. This not only treats leg pain, but also anxiety, depression and low immunity.


Massage one or both points for three to five minutes, or however long it takes to feel relief. For the best results, use the tip of your finger, your knuckle or the eraser end of a pencil.

Tips & Warnings

Acupressure is not designed to replace standard medical procedures and treatments. If you are seriously injured, or if your symptoms persist, seek medical attention. You also should not use acupressure if you have a heart condition, if you are pregnant or if the point is under a mole, varicose vein, bruise or any other break in the skin. You also should not use acupressure within 20 minutes of bathing, eating a large meal or exercising.

How to Use Acupressure Points for General Pain

How to Use Acupressure Points for General Pain

Pain can affect all areas of the body for different reasons. Depending on the science behind your pain, your doctor could recommend anything from ice packs to prescription pain medication to find relief. But you can ease your pain yourself through acupressure. It's similar to acupuncture, where a licensed technician inserts needles in pressure points to relieve pain and other symptoms. But instead of needles, you massage the point yourself. The key to finding pain relief is to find the right pressure point.


Turn your hand so your palm is facing away from you. The most common pressure point to relieve general pain is found by locating the area where the joint of your thumb and your index finger meet. This is typically just below the webbing between your thumb and index finger.


Apply pressure until you find the area that is the most tender. This is the pressure point you need to focus on.


Massage this for three to five minutes or until you feel relief. For the best results, use the tip of your finger, your knuckle or the eraser end of a pencil. Acupressure works best after acupuncture, so you can talk to your acupuncturist about points that give you the best results.

Tips & Warnings

This point not only treats general pain. It's also good at relieving frontal headaches and cold symptoms, such as a runny nose and sneezing. This point should not be used if you are pregnant.

Acupressure is not designed to replace standard medical procedures and treatments. If you are seriously injured, or if your symptoms persist, seek medical attention. You also should not use acupressure if you have a heart condition or if the point is under a mole, varicose vein, bruise or any other break in the skin. You should not use acupressure within 20 minutes of bathing, eating a large meal or exercising.

How to Take Horsetail for Health

How to Take Horsetail for Health

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a non-flowering tree-like plant with stems that grows up to 2 feet tall. It is widespread and not native to any particular area. The aerial parts of the plant are used medicinally. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of horsetail. It has been used at least since Greek and Roman times to treat bleeding, tuberculosis, ulcers and kidney disorders.


Look at the modern uses of horsetail. It has not been studied extensively in humans, and the Food and Drug Administration has not approved it for use in the treatment of any ailment. However, professional herbalists do recognize its diuretic properties and use it to treat kidney stones and urinary tract infections.


Buy horsetail from a reputable source. It is generally considered safe but another species, such as Equisetum palustre, is poisonous to
and should never be ingested.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. When prepared in capsule form, it should be standardized to contain 10 to 15 percent silica. A 300 mg capsule may be taken three times per day with plenty of fluid. It is also taken as a tea of 2 to 3 teaspoons in a cup of hot water three times per day.


Study the side effects of horsetail. It may deplete vitamin B6 in the body. It should not be taken for a prolonged period or if you drink alcohol. Horsetail is also contraindicated if you have heart or kidney problems.

How to Remove an Eyebrow Ring

How to Remove an Eyebrow Ring

Great news is you landed a new job, bad news is they're not too keen on the eyebrow ring. Removal is fairly simple and relatively pain-free, but expect the hole to leave a permanent mark.

Things You'll Need:

Ponytail Holders

Antibacterial Ointments

Antibacterial Soaps


Begin with clean, dry hands. Clip any bangs away from your eyes, and pull your hair back into a ponytail.


Make sure that you have enough light to see what you're doing, and that you have enough room to move your elbows freely around your head.


Grasp the ball of an eyebrow ring using the index finger and thumb of your strong hand. Then pinch the ring's body - where it enters the hole - with the index finger and thumb of your opposite hand.


Pull the ends gently to create a space where the bar can slip out of the ball. Slide the bar out of the hole, keeping the ring close to your brow and the tension as relaxed as possible.


Use your weak hand to grasp the stationary end of an eyebrow barbell while you grip the removable ball with the index finger and thumb of your strong hand. Twist counter clockwise to remove the ball, then gently pull the bar through the hole.

Tips & Warnings

Before you begin the removal, tilt your head into different positions to see which angle works best for you.

Enlist the help of a friend with a gentle touch and non-squeamish nature if you realize you cannot see what you're doing. If you're out of resources, the person who did the piercing may be able to fit you in for a free removal.

Consult with a physician if you must remove your ring and you notice an infection. If you remove it while the area is infected, you may trap bacteria in the hole when it begins to close up.

Do not jerk or pull too hard or you may rip your skin.

Dab a pinhead-size amount of antibacterial ointment on the holes if you notice trace amounts of blood.

How to Relive Your 1980s Teenage Years

How to Relive Your 1980s Teenage Years

Remember the 1980s, those high school wonder years? Or maybe you'd rather not. It's hard to separate the media memory of the '80s and its techno-pop culture from your own. But here are some tips to give you a starting point.


Squeeze yourself into the tightest jeans imaginable--no boot cut, flare leg or relaxed fits here. If they are not tight enough, take apart the seam and sew them tighter.


Dance to Michael Jackson, who was everywhere with "Thriller," "Billie Jean, "Ebony and Ivory" and "Say say say." Do robot-type dancing to "Whip It" and Blondie's hits. Get into the B52s. Frolic to the girl bands like the Go-Gos, and dance to Cyndi Lauper's anthem, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." Finish with WHAM's "Wake me up before you go go."


Watch "Flashdance" and start wearing ripped sleeves on your shirts. Bop around athletically like Jennifer Beals. Recall how your friends used to dress like Boy George.


Enjoy "The


Club," "Sixteen Candles" and all those Molly Ringwald favorites where the Brat Pack worked out '80s teenage angst. So many stars to idolize.


If you are the type, buy "The Preppy Handbook" and follow their fashion trends. Wear pink and green, buy rubber moccasins from L.L. Bean and


Izod shirts (with the little alligator patch).


You are a teenager. Pay no attention to the grandfatherly man in the Oval Office from 1980 to 1988, whose policies will affect you later. Have no idea that you are growing up in a conservative era, and what that will do to your life, lifestyle and politics in future years.


Get an electric typewriter for your high school graduation and be happy about it.

Tips & Warnings

Remain completely ignorant of the incredibly low college tuition you pay. It's still possible
get a job
in college and pay your own way, graduating with $5000 or less debt. Not bad.

Your telephone receiver is still connected to your phone. Communicate this way or by regular mail. If you are not home when someone calls, the phone rings off the hook. The caller will just have to call again.

How to Recycle Your Old T-Shirts Into 4 New Gifts

How to Recycle Your Old T-Shirts Into 4 New Gifts

Every one loves their


and you usually wear them until they are showing how old they are. People have all those vintage T-shirts, their favorite music bands T-shirts and then just the classic logo T-shirts stuffed in the drawer. Just gather them, because we are going to bring new life to those old T-shirts and add 4 gifts that will be made from love.

Things You'll Need:

Old T-shirts

Glass Bowl

Sewing Machine and tools


The first gift is a traditional one, but one that you can help push the idea of recycling helps the world. Make a shopping bag from and old T-shirt. Take a solid color T-shirt and cut out the arms. Sew the edges of the arms in a decorative color thread in the zigzag stitch. Turn the shirt inside out and sew the bottom closed. Turn and you have a blank canvas to add a message to the front or leave blank.


Recycled T-shirt to a summer tank. Take a favorite T-shirt and lay it out flat. Find a glass bowl and turn upside down. You will use the bowl as a template to shape the neck line. Position the bowl half way down the neck of the T-shirt and cut out. Cut out the sleeves. Zigzag both the arms and neck lines. Now, to add a flare to your tank you can sew on decorative buttons in a random pattern around the neckline. This is a basic tank so be creative by changing it up to your style.


Take a toddler's T-shirt and make a


one piece. Take the toddler's T-shirt and cut out the arms. Take a bright color thread and zigzag around the arm openings. Now, take the glass bowl and position it at an angle on the bottom edge of the T-shirt, trace that leg line, making sure that you will have an inch between this leg opening and the opposite leg. Do the same for the other leg. Zigzag the leg openings. Now, cut the space between the legs and add two snaps.


The last piece is a vintage motif T-shirt scarf. Gather all those vintage and band T-shirts and cut out the logos in a square format. Make sure that all squares are the same size. Find some metallic thread in silver, gold, or black and zigzag all pieces together and then zigzag completely around the finished scarf. Everyone will be begging for this piece!

How to Recycle Precious Metal to Make Jewelry

How to Recycle Precious Metal to Make Jewelry

Recycling has become an environmental trend in today's world. Not only is it possible to recycle aluminum and plastic, but people have also started recycling precious metals to preserve the Earth and eliminate the need for further mining operations. Consider the following steps before recycling precious metal to make jewelry.


Assess the condition of available jewelry. If your jewelry is rarely worn or just takes up space in the jewelry box, you probably have excess jewelry that could be used for recycling.


Research jewelry recycling companies. Review the policies to make sure the policies are fair and provide market value for the gold.


Accumulate enough precious jewelry to be able to melt into the new desired piece of jewelry. If there is not enough recycled metal for the new piece, some companies will credit the amount of precious metal turned in and charge market value for the additional precious metal needed.


Examine the jewelry to be recycled. The inside or back of the jewelry should contain a mark that identifies the jewelry metal content and if the maker of the piece was an exclusive designer.


Remove the gems from the old piece of jewelry. The old gems can be used in a new piece. Generally, it will be cheaper to have a local jewelry store remove the gems than be charged a per gem fee from the recycling company.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure that if more metal is needed to complete the new piece of jewelry, the recycling company uses equal quality precious metal. Some disreputable companies may add lesser quality metals that will decrease the overall value of the jewelry piece.

How to Recognize Imitation Sunglasses

How to Recognize Imitation Sunglasses

The popularity of brand-name sunglasses by Dior, Prada and Armani has led to many imitators. Imitation sunglasses are designed by small businesses and individuals who capitalize on consumer desires at affordable prices. A checklist of flaws and construction problems help you recognize imitation sunglasses from the genuine article.


Study the label and lettering of a brand name on sunglasses to determine if they are imitations. Print off a sheet with a list of your favorite labels as a comparison tool against imitation products.


Ascertain the type of packaging and presentation used on sunglasses from your favorite brands to avoid imitation products. Practice a healthy amount of skepticism if a vendor hands you a pair of Armani glasses without a case.


Temper your desire to pick up a pair of imitation sunglasses at a price that is too good to be true. A pair of $50 imitation sunglasses will be spotted as an imitation by friends and co-workers familiar with the $500 originals.


Look for a UV ray protection sticker on sunglasses to recognize imitation products. Premium sunglasses feature a clear sticker that is easily removable from the lens to avoid smudging and other damage.


Speak with a vendor to determine his authority to sell brand-name sunglasses at his store. Vendors with the authority to sell Gucci, Armani and Prada will promote that fact to draw in customers with money to spare.


Compare the place of production for an authentic pair of sunglasses with a suspect pair of glasses to recognize an imitation. You can search through a brand's online catalog to find the "Made In..." label as a filter against imitation sunglasses.


Apply a slight amount of pressure to the hinges and arms with your fingers before you buy a pair of sunglasses. Imitation glasses are constructed from cheap plastics and flimsy metals to increase the profit margin for retailers.


Inspect the warranty information and packaging materials with a pair of sunglasses to identify a fake product. You should be able to read through applicable warranty and repair information from the manufacturer to deal with faulty products.

Tips & Warnings

Wear a pair of sunglasses for a few minutes to assess the product's lens clarity. Imitation sunglasses use cheap plastic lenses to cut down on costs without considering the potential harm to a customer's eyes.

How to Recognize A Knockoff Handbag

How to Recognize A Knockoff Handbag

Fake designer handbags are everywhere, and some of them are so good they only sell for a couple of hundred dollars less than the real thing. The designers themselves sometimes have trouble telling the difference, but you'll be able to by following these steps for recognizing a knockoff bag.


Scan the bag's seams to see if the fabric pattern meets up properly. It takes more material to make a bag with continuity at the seams, and therefore it costs more to make. Counterfeiters don't usually attend to this detail. This is the easiest way to spot a fake.


Look closely at the stitching. Real designer handbags are stitched by hand, and the stitches aren't as regular as machine stitches.


Check the label on the inside. Knockoff bags usually have a tag claiming that they're genuine, but on close inspection, the type is often not centered, may contain misspellings and sometimes even says "Made in China." While you're in there, make sure the bag has a lining.


Inspect the leather or fabric, the hardware (zippers, buckles, snaps and hooks) and make sure they're functional and of good quality. Zippers should slide smoothly and nothing should appear tarnished.


Use the three P's as described by, "Place, Price, Packaging." A genuine designer handbag isn't sold at a flea market, costs more than fifty bucks and comes in some type of fancy wrapping. Online counterfeiters usually state that the bags are "imitation," or something to that effect, but not always.