How to Give a Nude Massage

How to Give a Nude Massage

A massage is a classic way to relax, unwind and soothe sore and achy muscles. However, if you are giving a nude massage, it is important that you grasp certain skills and understand how to incorporate these skills into the massage. Little things such as applying too much pressure can end up hurting the individual receiving the massage.

Things You'll Need:


Massage oil

Massage table

Shower or bathtub


Heated stones


Prepare the area. Encourage the person who is receiving the massage to take a shower and relax. This will make the experience more pleasurable for them and more pleasurable for you.


Gather the supplies. While the individual who will receive the massage is taking a relaxing bath or shower, gather all of the supplies you will need for the massage. Grab scented oils, lotions, heated stones and a towel. Because many people are shy about their body having a towel nearby gives them the option of covering up if they desire to do so.


Start at the top. Many people have a lot of tension in the upper parts of their body. For example, stress and tension can cause stiffness and sore muscles in the neck and upper back. One of the best ways to start a massage is at the scalp. This relaxes people so that their muscles start to loosen up before you continue on and as a result, the massage will be much more effective.


Know about the pressure points. Make it a point to learn about the various pressure points in the body and what they do. For example, there is a pressure point in your palm that helps you if you have a headache. Take the time to learn about these pressure points and incorporate them into your massage.


Communicate with the individual receiving the massage. Throughout the massage discover what the individual likes and if you aren’t picking up on her vibes, ask her what she likes. This step is crucial because each individual is different and has different needs when it comes to receiving a massage. The more in tune you are, the more success you’ll have.


Temper the pressure you apply. Applying pressure during a massage is very important. Applying too little pressure will reduce the success of the massage while applying too much pressure will result in sore muscles and pain.

Tips & Warnings

Use a scented and warming oil. This type of oil usually feels very relaxing in a massage.

Do not apply too much pressure. This will cause the individual who is receiving the massage to feel very sore later on.